Linux most widely used commands

Linux most widely used commands


2 min read

Here is a list of some of the most important Linux commands, organized by category:

File Management:

  1. ls: List files and directories

  2. cd: Change directory

  3. pwd: Print working directory

  4. cp: Copy file

  5. mv: Move or rename file

  6. rm: Remove file

  7. mkdir: Make directory

  8. rmdir: Remove empty directory

  9. touch: Create an empty file

  10. cat: Concatenate and display files

Text Processing:

  1. echo: Display text on the screen

  2. cat: Concatenate and display files

  3. head: Display the first few lines of a file

  4. tail: Display the last few lines of a file

  5. sort: Sort the contents of a file

  6. uniq: Remove duplicate lines from a file

  7. grep: Search for a pattern in a file

  8. sed: Stream editor for modifying text

  9. awk: Text processing language

System Management:

  1. ps: Display information about running processes

  2. top: Display real-time information about system performance

  3. kill: Terminate a process

  4. shutdown: Shut down the system

  5. reboot: Restart the system

  6. df: Show disk space usage

  7. du: Show directory space usage

  8. free: Show system memory usage

  9. uptime: Show how long the system has been running

User Management:

  1. who: Show who is logged into the system

  2. whoami: Show the current user

  3. id: Display user information

  4. passwd: Change password

  5. adduser: Add a new user

  6. addgroup: Add a new group

  7. deluser: Delete a user

  8. delgroup: Delete a group

These commands cover a wide range of common tasks in Linux and can greatly increase your productivity and efficiency. However, this is not an exhaustive list and there are many other commands available in Linux. To learn more about these and other commands, we can consult the manual pages by using the “man” command.

for eg:

man ls

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